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why do we have hair?

this is just a random thought that entered my head today as i was styling my amazing mane on my head. so, obviously, i interviewed a couple people

jacob severson says that we have hair for warmth. (i don't like that answer)
cody kaveh said the same thing. ugh. he says its an insulator. thats why we have goosebumps because there are muscles attached to the hair follicles that make the hair stand straight up when you are cold.
okay mister scientist.
josh is in his room and probably doesnt care about my survey.

anyways. i just wonder what exactly the purpose for hair is. why do women typically have longer hair, and why do guys typically have shorter hair?
we were made in God's image right? does god have hair? does being made in his image mean the physical? or does it mean the mental an the emotional?

i like my hair.
thank you god for it.

love, kelsy

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